Ren, the 'Crab'

851 Reads   |   Published over 8 years ago

Excerpt from 'Weekly Adventurers Around the Globe', a famous publication throughout the realms that details legendary heroes that stood up to protect the multiverse.

Ren the 'Crab' Entry
Insect Island integration to the larger continent of Irolatreia has been a success and while most of the reasons Humans and Insectfolk can live their lives in harmony comes from trading pacts and cultural reforms, we from the 'Weekly Adventurers' like to think that adventurers like "Jin", "Okubo" and "Makabe" made the larger Irolatreian audience respect this foreign culture and help with their integration.

Which brings us to Ren. Not much is know about him. He covers his face with a red cloth, wears a strange armor resembling a crab and has a strict work discipline that makes him stand out from other rookie adventurers. We asked Ren to explain a bit about his methods below.

"I am the blade of justice. Like the crab, there is no backing down. I walk towards danger, entrusting my life to fate. Naturally, I cannot spend the time of justice with small talk or even bounding with the local population. They walk the path of merchants, farmers, and nobles, while my path brings me towards the evil. And the evil must be purged in one swift blow. I'm quite aware the supporters might find me strange, I am in a different path all together."

Ren here really has this thing figured out, or so he thinks. It's cute to see rookies like him so confident! Send your support to him, so he can grown even stronger.

The book is filled with other equally colorful adventurer entries.

Excerpt from 'Weekly Adventurers Around the Globe', a famous publication throughout the realms that details legendary heroes that stood up to protect the multiverse.

Okubo the 'Devirsh' Entry
A veteran of the Skeleton Dimension wars, Okubo is a native of the Insect Archipelago and joined up the Adventurers guild together with Makabe. As a Waspborn, he wasn't born with a natural weapon outside his sting, who is very impractical in a fight. We decided to ask Okubo how does he keep up with the other adventures:

"Ah yes. Humanfolk want to know how waspborn deal with the enemy? With steel! A pair of cutlasses, the wind in my wings. It's liberating, yes. We the waspborn don't have strong muscles like humans do, no. We must rely on speed and grace to overcome skeleton horde."

Straight to the point, the veteran Insect seems quite sure of his abilities.

The book is filled with other equally colorful adventurer entries. - See more at:

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